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Outdoor Bouldering II
Outdoor Bouldering II is for the climber who is familiar with outdoor bouldering and wants to take their pebble wrestling further. This class will consist of one full day: the first half of instruction and the second half free bouldering time together. Class will be in Leavenworth, WA and specific instructions for meeting details will be sent out closer to the class date.
Leavenworth, WA
​- You have taken Outdoor Bouldering I with CoC, an equivalent course, or have had prior outdoor experience bouldering outdoors.
- Consistently climb for 1- 2 years with some outdoor experience
- No current lower leg injuries.
Sunday May 19 10am - 3pm
$180 - 220 (sliding scale, scholarships available)
Syllabus & Gear List
Questions? Email
This course is operated by Mountain Madness and will be subject to MM's terms and conditions
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